Serotina Prayers

The “Serotina Prayers” for our Community and Benefactors 

It is the custom of the Augustinians of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to pray specifically for living and deceased benefactors. The prayers which follow, called the “Serotina” (evening time prayers) are prayers traditionally said by Augustinian communities for their living and deceased benefactors. We add the following prayers as part of the Intercessions during Evening Prayer. 

Prayer for the Good of our Community 
Father in heaven, in your all embracing love / you have brought us together in as the Servants of God / that we might serve the Church of your Son / in the spirit of our vows / and the true love our founder.

Strengthen our commitment to the demands of our vocation. / Send our community many young men and women / who with whole heart and in true harmony / will serve your kingdom.   
Grant our sick patience and hope / and make their sacrifices fruitful for the Church and the entire Augustinian family. / Increase our devotion to those for whose beatification we confidently pray. / Strengthen our brothers and sisters in the missions, / bless their efforts, / and may your good news find a hearing by all nations. 
Heal the wounds of disunity among those / upon whom your name has been called. / In your loving care receive the petitions of the faithful / and our friends who ask for our prayers. / Graciously grant the requests of our house, / (this chapter and the entire Augustinian family.

 For the Bishop 
Almighty God, our Father, / eternal Shepherd and guide, / look with love on N /, our bishop, chief shepherd of your church in the diocese of N . /. Give him the grace and power of your Holy Spirit / that he may guide and govern his people with love.  Protect him from all harm / and help him to be a faithful teacher, / wise administrator / and a holy priest.

For the Living Benefactors  
Father, you have renewed all creation / in your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, / the King of the whole universe. / May all the members, friends and benefactors of our community / seek you with their whole heart / and become subject to the gentle rule of your only begotten Son / so that they may merit to obtain what they rightly ask. / Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the Deceased Benefactors 
God, our Father, / you grant pardon from sin / and will the salvation of everyone. / We beg you to be merciful / and grant that all the deceased priests, brothers, sisters, relatives and benefactors of our community / may come to eternal happiness / through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all your saints. 
O God, the creator and redeemer of all the faithful / grant to all your deceased servants / the remission of all their sins,/ that they may obtain the pardon which they have ever wished for / We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.